🔥 Kick-Ass Moms Club: A Rebel Mom’s Guide to Guilt Free Parenting

Tired of feeling like you need to be the perfect mom?

Exhausted by the endless “shoulds” society throws at you?

You “should” love every minute of motherhood, even when you're running on fumes, your partner is working late, and your kids just destroyed the living room.

You “should” take time for yourself - go to brunch, grab a yoga class and journal every morning, but not too much—or you’re selfish.

You “should” stay calm with a smile, but let’s be honest: who hasn’t lost their cool after the tenth “Mom!” in five minutes?

You “should” be fully present with your kids, but good luck not feeling guilty about needing a minute to decompress after building your 10th train track or playing restaurant for what feels like an eternity.

You “should” be wearing the latest fall colours, but you're rocking the mom bun and yesterday's sweats.

And you “should” remember everything—those school theme days, fun lunches—even though you aren't a walking planner.

Let’s talk about something we know too well but rarely say out loud: Mom Guilt.

It's the nagging feeling that you’re not doing enough, not being enough, or not looking good enough.

But here’s the thing: when was the last time you heard the term “dad guilt”?

I’ll wait…..

Exactly. Why are only moms expected to wear a cape when juggling a million things?

Spoiler alert: it’s all part of a societal script we didn’t write. *Thank you, patriarchal norms*

But guess what? You’re done with that script.

Want to feel better about life?

You don’t need:
- Another fancy organization app
- Just two more hours in the day
- A new exercise program that promises you the world
- Face masks, bath bombs, and essential oils
- Another parenting course or book that wasn’t written for you
- Or another “Super mom” mug in your pantry

Welcome to The Kick-Ass Moms Club, a six-month journey about ditching those unrealistic expectations and reclaiming your time, energy, and sense of calm.

So you don't beat yourself up when your kid's hockey game overlaps with swim practice, and you find yourself in the late-night drive-thru.

So you know you're the best damn mom, even when your body doesn't match the Instagram-perfect looks at school pick-up.

So you feel proud for asking a friend to watch your kid for an hour so you can sit and breathe amid the chaos.

So you can set boundaries around your time and actually go to your yoga class/girls' brunch/dog walk/coffee date—or whatever the heck it is that connects you to you!

So you can confidently let your kid watch Bluey while you power through your to-do list.

So you can let go of the show-home-ready, baseboards-dusted, microwave-spotless goal when you know someone is coming over.

Here, we celebrate the realness of motherhood – the messy, beautiful, imperfect journey.

We’re not about being supermoms or having it all together. We’re about being our true selves and finding joy in the process.

What We’ll Cover:

🔥Dismantling the ‘Super Mom’ Myth: Let’s be honest – the “super mom” ideal is a patriarchal trap. We’re here to break this myth and embrace the strength to ask for help (even when it feels icky), set firm boundaries (even when it's complicated), and prioritize your values over everyone else’s expectations (and I’ll help you learn what your unique values look like).

🔥 Embracing Your Emotions (Without Judgment): It’s okay to feel angry, joyful, frustrated, or even just plain touched out—and it’s about time we stopped judging ourselves for it. We’ll dive into how to accept and process your emotions (yes, even the messy ones!) and help your child learn to do the same. We know your mom never modelled this for you, so how are you expected to understand how to do this?!

🔥 Body Image & Nutrition: Why is the “dad bod” celebrated, but moms are pressured to “bounce back”? Let’s call out these double standards and focus on building a healthy relationship with your body and food, free from guilt or societal pressure.

Why Join?

Because we’re not just another mom group.

We’re a rebellion.

A rebellion against the notion that moms have to be perfect, serene, and self-sacrificing 24/7. A rebellion against the guilt and shame that come with every choice we make. A rebellion against losing ourselves in the name of motherhood.

Shame and guilt love to hide in the shadows, thriving on secrecy and perfectionism. But here’s the deal – we’re not playing that game. In the Kick-Ass Moms Club, the community is our secret weapon. We know that when we ditch the comparison and judgment and instead connect as like-minded rebels, we create a powerful support system.

We’re not here to “fix” you because you’re not broken. We’re here to help you create your version of kick-ass and motherhood that works for you.

Join us on this six-month journey to kick-ass, rebel against the rules, and build a motherhood experience that feels better for you.

How does the Kick-Ass Moms Club work?

 - 60-minute 1:1 deep-dive coaching session

We start with a powerful 60-minute 1:1 deep-dive coaching session. This isn’t just any coffee chat or bitch session —it's a dedicated time for you to define your personal goals.

This session is about your needs, desires, and vision. By the end, you'll clearly understand what you want your life to look and feel like and a plan to start making it happen.

 - Weekly Quests to Shake Off the Guilt

After your deep-dive coaching session, the real adventure begins! Each week, you'll receive a fun, light-hearted quest sent straight to your inbox and posted in our Facebook group. These quick and easy challenges help you shake off the guilt, embrace your authentic self, and rebel against the "perfect mom" mold.

The best part? These quests are about shifting your mindset and taking simple actions toward your desired life—no boring homework vibes here! There’s no grading, no failing, and each quest can be done in as little as 5 minutes, wherever you are.

An example of the quest could be a simple question to think about, cleaning your socials, or using ‘no’ as a complete sentence that week.

 - Bi-Monthly Group Coaching Calls

Twice a month, on Zoom, we come together for group coaching calls where you can:

  • Get your burning questions answered: Stuck on a quest? Not sure how to navigate a tricky situation? Bring it to the group!

  • Connect with other moms: Share your experiences, hear from others, and realize you’re not alone.

  • Find support and encouragement: This is a safe space for moms to be real and vulnerable and to be supported by a community of moms who get it.

These calls are your chance to dive deeper, gain new insights, and build lasting connections with other moms on the same path….and you’re a mom and I get that! Noise in the background, feeding a baby, or having to run out to help with bedtime - it’s all allowed!

 - Game Nights to Unwind and Be Silly

What’s a community without a bit of fun? Once a month, on Zoom, we host a Games Night where we can all unwind, let loose, and just be silly. Hello, inner child!

 - Stay Connected with Our Facebook Group

The fun doesn’t stop after the calls and quests. We have a dedicated Facebook group to keep the party going between sessions. Here, you can:

  • Share your wins and celebrate your successes

  • Get real-time support

  • Build lasting friendships

Ready to join?

Join The Kick-Ass Moms Club for just $777 upfront for the full six months, or choose a flexible payment plan of $130 CAD/month.

Think of it as investing in your badass self—because it's time to take back your time, energy, and joy!

Momma, it’s time to Kick-Ass.

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Kick-Ass Moms Club

This is the full payment for your 6 month membership for the Kick-Ass Moms club starting on September 18. This product in non-refundable.

777.00 CAD


Have a great day!

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Kick-Ass Moms Club - Monthly Payments

This is for the monthly payment plan of $130CAD paid monthly. This is nonrefundable.

130.00 CAD


Have a great day!